NEW Pajot Pneumatic Impact Hammer 

Pajot 1000 Impact Hammer
Pajot 1000 Impact Hammer

Pajot Pneumatic Impact Hammer is suitable for installing piles in most ground conditions. It is an advantageous method when it comes to cost and time and can use open ended and closed ended steel pile tubes from 150mm to 500mm. This technique makes use of a Pile Driver which is used to drive prefabricated piles into the ground. Most driven piles are made of steel & the driving technique leads to soil displacement.

Pajot 1000 Impact Hammer
Pajot 1000 Impact Hammer


Brief Methodology:
Top Driven Piling at Housing Development
Top Driven Piling at Housing Development
  • Typical necessary equipment includes an excavator (25 tonne in our case) and a piling hammer attached (2 tonne in our case).
  • Pile is placed in position by the excavator and levelled and set-out by the banksman.
  • Pile is then beaten into the ground by the piling hammer from the top.
  • If necessary, piles can be joined together to reach desired depth as set out by design engineer. Steel casings would typically be welded together.
  • Casing is driven to refusal or to engineer’s specified depth.
  • Independent contractor tests piles to determine resistance and capacity.


Types of Piles:
  • Concrete Piles: suitable for Greenfield areas for heaving load bearing piles.
  • Steel Piles: suitable for Greenfield areas with boulders and other sub-terrain obstacles. Also used for floating jetty’s.
  • H-Piles: Suitable for heavy foundations where the load bearing weight is transferred to the earth-shore deep down.

Top Driven Piling at Domestic Build

Top Driven Piling (Domestic)
Top Driven Piling (Domestic)
Top Driven Piling (Domestic)
Top Driven Piling (Domestic)

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