What is screw piling?

Screw piles are a steel screw-in piling and ground anchoring system used for building deep foundations. They are manufactured using varying sizes of tubular hollow sections for the pile or anchors shaft.


  • Beginning around 1836 screw-pile and screw-cylinder elements were used successfully.
  • Screw-pile foundations were introduced as a practical  foundation system by Alexander Mitchell (1780–1868), an Irish builder and brick manufacturer

How it works?

  1. The piles are made of circular hollow steel sections.
  2. Screw piles are cut into the soil following a constant pitch.
  3. Once the pile has reached the target depth it remains permanently in place and is typically filled with concrete.

Screw Piles Screw Piles

Loading Capacity

Screw pile act in tension and compression, typical tension capacity is 70% of compression capacity.
Shaft Size Compression Capacity
40mm to 5mm round or square Up to 250 kn
200mm to 300mm round Up to 1000 kn

Pull Down Screw Piles


  • Rapid Installation
  • Immediate Load Carrying Capability
  • Installation Monitoring and Verification of Load Capacity During Installation
  • Installation at Remote Locations or at Sites with Limited Access
  • Installation in High Groundwater Conditions
  • Easy Installation on a Batter
  • Simple Field Modifications to Increase Load Capacity
  • Wide Range of Soil and Load Applications
  • Speedy installation Unlimited pile lengths
  • Minimal Site Disturbance (vibration and noise)
  • Installation in very tight sites
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