Underpinning (foundation subsidance) Louth

Description: This building was built ten years ago on bad foundations resulting in bad cracks appearing in the wall. The aim of the job was to jack up the foundations by driving piles inside and outside the building and repairing the existing crack.

We used a mini piling rig driving 12no of  219mm diameter mini piles to a depth of 8 meters inside and outside the building. We then dug underneath the foundation, inserted a beam between the two piles and jacking back the building. We filled in around the existing foundations with 35n concrete and reinstated the surrounding area.

The job was completed in three days.

Step 1: This picutre shows the crack in the wall due to bad foundations.

Crack on wall
Crack on wall

Step 2: Underpinning pinning machine is set up and ready for work. It drives steel piles into the ground until it refusal. We continue this piling procedure inside and outside the building.

Underpinning Machine
Underpinning Machine

Step 3: We excavate underneath the existing foundations and construct a beam between the two piles that we have driven.

Pile beneath foundations
Pile beneath foundations

Step 4: We jack back the existing foundations using a hydraulic 50 tonne jack.

Jacking up foundations
Jacking up foundations
Jacking up foundations
Jacking up foundations

Step 5: The foundations are now staplised and ready to fill with a high grade concrete mix.

Shimmed up prior to pouring concrete
Shimmed up prior to pouring concrete

Step 6: Finished result.


underpinning complete
underpinning complete


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